The brain is an important organ of our body which is at the top of the body.
It weighs 1200-1400 gm. And its capacity is 1350cc.
Membranes of the brain
There are membranes around the brain. These membranes which provide protection to it are called meninges.
These are of three types
Rigidity Duramator (Dura Mater)
It is the outermost membrane. Which is made up of fibrous connective tissue and collagen fibers.
Lattanica Arachnoid Mater
It is a membrane found in the middle. Which is made up of fibrous connective tissue and elastine fibers.
Softness Pia Mater
It is the innermost membrane.
It touches the brain, it is also formed from connective tissues. The brain gets nutrition from blood cells.
There is a network of capillaries in the brain which we call the choroid plexus. The choroid plexus worked two important functions in our body.
It produces cerebrospinal fluid and protects the brain and other central nervous tissues from toxins.
Cavities found in the brain
Subdural cavity
Rigidity Duramator (Dura Mater) and Lattanica A cavity found between the arachnoid mater.
Sub- Arachnoid cavity
Lattanica Arachnoid mater and saline. A cavity found between the pia mate.
Cerebro-spinal fluid
Blood filters from the choroid plexus into the cavity of the brain called the cerebro-spinal fluid.
Main Parts of Brain
The brain is divided into three parts-
1.Fore Brain
2.Mid Brain
3.Hind Brain
The word ‘cognition’ means ‘to know’ or ‘to understand’. It is the brain in which we acquire thoughts and knowledge. The term cognitive development is used in the broader sense of mental development in which in addition to intelligence, perception, recognition, remembering, and interpretation of information encompasses it.
Therefore, cognition coordinates the various mental activities of human beings. Psychologists use ‘cognition’ as a process of acquiring knowledge. Ulrich Gustav Neisser talked about the brain in his 1967 book ‘Cognitive Psychology’. Cognitive development emphasizes how humans perceive facts and respond to them.
Cognition refers to the mental process that involves thinking, recalling, learning, and the use of language. When we emphasize the cognitive side in the process of teaching and learning, it means that we emphasize on the understanding of facts and concepts.
If we understand the relationship between different concepts, then our cognitive understanding increases. Cognitive theory focuses on how a person thinks, feels, and behaves. This entire process encompasses within itself all forms of knowledge such as memory, thinking, motivation and perception.
Cognitive Impairment
Memory loss with increasing age. They are gentle and natural. However, in the APM of the Pakkins Sons. Ability to pay attention, ability to think, memory and criticalIt can be lightly.
Common cognitive problems of PD include:
• Paying attention or meditating
• Organizing a busy schedule such as planning
• Listen carefully and understand the Zapil conversation or Japil
Solving problems
• Thinking quickly
• Memorizing events or event details, however,
Or clues often bring back memory of the event
If cognitive impairment is reduced which is severe to the optic retinal gene. If it is not affected by the disease, then it causes mild cognitive decay.(called mild cognitive impairment. If the decay is severe If you are the one who influences the daily functioning of the program, then it is called dementia.
What causes cognitive problems?
Transformation in Mental Capacity P.D. As your brain
It begins to affect the realms of meditation, thinking.
And they export memory. In most cases, it’s only
Occurs later in the disease, or with increasing age (usually
65 varya se arki).
Hallucination and delusion:
Many people who are diagnosed with Pakines disease and Hypogenes are cognitive impairments. Confusion and confusion can be associated with confusion. . Mortal confusion then Happens when people are awake, see those things or Hear what isn’t really. In Parkinson’s disease. Hallucinations have often been observed. In them they “see”. There may be animals or people who are not there. From the beginning, most people believe the epicenter of mortification. Not real. Later, it may be pointed out what is real and what is not. Pakkins. Patients may also have confusion such as a on the wall spot is an insect.
Start with the hesitation of confusion and do it yourself easily. It can and does not require treatment. this is important that your doctor examines you. There is no infection, (annually of the urinary tract) or you not on medication which can cause confusion and confusion. Treating dementia and delusions often takes medications. Work can be done by adjusting For what. Despite these changes, these problems persisted If you do, your doctor will prescribe some of your PD. possessive case-ending. You can try to reduce medications. It doesn’t help, or it makes your mum worse. If your doctor makes cognition You can take the medicine used to help. Also, clozapine or Quetiapine helps with confusion
Could it. Excessive sleep is a side effect of these medicines
Could it. Export to patients using clozapine
Blood tests are also required.
What to do to heal such types of congnitive problems ?
By exercising, eating, sleeping and blood pressure can help with cognitive function.
If you think loss of memory Inability to take food and other programs
If you do, consult your doctor. Your doctor May want to do cognitive testing. Dia’s Review
Do it because sometimes it is the lamp of the kitchen or other Any type of experience worsens.
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