Heart Diseases:-Even though you have all the happiness in the world, you cannot feel it, if your heart is not happy and healthy. We all know this truth, but our fast-paced lifestyle, unhealthy food choices, and work-life imbalances are leading to rise in heart diseases even among youngsters. Knowing more about heart diseases can create awareness among people, so that they can take necessary precautions and keep their heart healthy.
Types of Heart Diseases

There are several types of heart diseases which can adversely affect the function and structure of your heart.
1)Coronary artery and vascular disease
One of the most common heart problems, Coronary artery disease (CAD) happens when the arteries in your heart are narrowed or blocked. CAD causes heart attacks as well as angina (chest pain). Vascular diseases develop when there is a problem in other blood vessels which reduce blood flow and affect the function of your heart.
2)Heart valve disease
Our heart has four valves that open and close to direct blood flow between our heart’s four chambers, the lungs, and blood vessels. If there is any abnormality, it can make it hard for a valve to open and close the right way. When it happens, blood flow could be blocked or blood can leak.The main causes of problems in heart valves can include infections such as rheumatic fever, high blood pressure, congenital heart disease, coronary artery disease, or a result of a heart attack.
Some diseases of the heart valves include:
Endocarditis: This disease is an infection, which is usually caused by bacteria, and may enter the blood and take root in your heart during illness, after surgery, or after using intravenous drugs. Often, Endocarditis develops, if you already have valve problems. Usually, antibiotics can cure it, but the disease is life-threatening without treatment. You may need valve replacement surgery, if your heart valves are seriously damaged as a result of endocarditis.
Rheumatic heart disease: This disease develops when your heart muscle and valves are damaged by rheumatic fever, which is linked to strep throat and scarlet fever. Earlier in the 20th century, Rheumatic heart disease was more common. However, now doctors are able to prevent it by using antibiotics to treat the diseases that lead to it.
Pericardial Disease: If there is any disease of the pericardium, the sac that surrounds your heart, is called a pericardial disease. Some more common diseases are pericarditis or inflammation of the pericardium. Usually, it is caused by any injury to your pericardium or infection with a virus, inflammatory diseases such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis. Often, Pericarditis follows open heart surgery.
3)Cardiomyopathy (Heart Muscle Disease)
A disease of your heart muscle, or myocardium is called Cardiomyopathy. In this condition, your heart muscle gets stretched, thickened, or stiff. Also, your heart may get too weak to pump well. There are some possible causes of this disease, including reactions to certain drugs or toxins (such as alcohol), genetic heart conditions, and infections from a virus.
4)Congenital Heart Disease
This disease happens when something goes wrong while the heart is forming in a baby that’s still in the womb. Sometimes, the heart abnormality leads to problems right after birth, but other times there aren’t any symptoms until you become an adult.
One of the most common congenital heart problems, Septal abnormalities are holes in the wall that separates the left and right sides of your heart. To patch the hole, you can get a procedure.
Pulmonary stenosis, is another type of abnormality, which develops when a narrow valve causes a decrease in the flow of blood to your lungs. A surgery or procedure can open or replace the valve.
5)Heart rhythm disorders
If you have an arrhythmias, your heart has an irregular beating pattern. In this condition, your heart can beat too slowly, too quickly or in a disorganised fashion. The most dangerous thing about this disease is that some types of arrhythmias can have no symptoms or warning signs; others can be sudden and fatal.
6)Heart failure
When the heart becomes damaged or weakened a serious condition of heart failure develops. In this condition, your heart doesn’t pump blood as well as it should to meet your body’s needs. High blood pressure and heart attack are the most common causes of heart failure. Some other heart diseases include inherited disorders, infections, and enlarged heart muscle.
Causes of heart diseases
Some common causes of heart diseases include:
- Genetic problems
- Coronary artery disease
- Heart muscle scarring
- Problems in the functioning of kidney
- Infections
- Thyroid problems
- Rheumatic disease
- Aging
- Heart injuries
- Autoimmune diseases
- High BP during Pregnancy (pre-eclampsia)
- Specific kinds of chemotherapy
- High blood pressure
- Abnormal heart rhythm
- High cholesterol levels
- Diabetes
- sleep apnea
- Unhealthy diet and weight
- Inadequate physical activity
- Smoking and alcohol consumption
- Stress
- Recreational drug use
- Hormone replacement therapy and birth control
Symptoms of heart disease
Depending on what’s wrong, you can have different symptoms of heart disease. Common symptoms of heart diseases include:
- Palpitations (pounding or racing heart)
- Sweating
- Lightheadedness.
- Shortness of breath.
- Dizziness or sudden loss of consciousness
- Pain in chest and upper body, pressure, heaviness or discomfort
- Neck pain
- Indigestion or heartburn
- Swelling in lower body
- Exhaustion
- Difficulty sleeping
- Fever
Treatment of heart diseases
Based on your heart issue, you can make changes in your daily life, take medication or have surgery. Here are some common heart disease treatments:
Lifestyle changes: This includes stopping the use of tobacco products, cutting saturated fats from your meals, or starting a walking program.
Medicine: With medicines, you can lower your blood pressure and cholesterol. There are certain medications which can help with heart failure or abnormal heart rhythms. You should consistently take these medications the way your healthcare provider tells you to.
Surgeries and procedures: Based on your heart problem, you may need open-heart surgery, minimally invasive surgery, or an ablation. Some other procedures include catheterization procedures, stent placement or cardioversion.
Participating in a cardiac rehab program: This is a supervised exercise program which can help you in the strengthening of your heart after a heart attack. With monitored exercise and nutritional counselling, it provides extra support for changing your lifestyle.
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