What is mental health?

The world health organization has defined mental health as emotional, psychological and social well -being.
It helps people to deal with stress in their life, release their abilities and contribute to the society mental health is important at every stage of our life, from childhood to adulthood. Mental health impacts our lives in how we think and how we react compared to other people it helps us handle stress and also help us live a good life.
Both Mental Health And physical health are very important for any person. If a person is physical healthy and mentally unhealthy then he can face many types of problems in his life.
If a person is mentally and physically healthy then he can easily do this life’s work.
A mentally unhealthy person is unable to carry out his daily routine mental disorder affect a person’s behaviors, his business relationships, his sexual life etc. And it also eliminates the risk of physical health.
Due to mental health issues, a person becomes unemployed, fights in families drug habits, poverty and promotes many times.
If a person mental health remains healthy then he can live a good life.in this article we will try to know what is mental health and in what way it will help us know some important things about mental health which will helps us live a better life.
Many people go through different types of mental health likeness like:
- Anxiety disorders: – Anxiety is a mental illness that occurs every day. There are several types of anxiety disorders, let us know about them.
- Generalized anxiety disorder: – In this we may suffer from stress, anxiety as well as body diseases. Loss of interest in any work, difficulty in concentrating and tension in muscles.
- Panic Disorder: – The main cause of panic disorder is repeated panic attacks. It has many symptoms such as (a)Jitter in the Heart (b)Too sweat (c) Fast heart beat(d) Suffocation (e)Difficulty in breathing (f)Chest pain (g)Body cooling (h)Fear of dying
- Phobia: – Phobia is a persistent and frequent occurrence of a particular place, work or thing example: Hight, water, crowd etc., It is not that harmful people find out that we feel like it but they can’t remove it.
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: – Obsessive compulsive disorder in which a person keep doing the some thing repeatedly.in which he spends most of his time in doing things like washing hands again cleaning again and again checking whether things are kept properly and whether the door is locked or not basically it is an obsession which can be for any time.it can happen to a person which is called relationship obsessive compulsive disorder.
- Behavioral and emotional disorders in children: – It often seen in children that there is irritability or crying behavior change in children can happen due to many reasons.
- Bipolar disorder: – In bipolar disorder a person’ mood changes rapidly, This in not normal. The person suffering from this disease sometimes becomes very happy and energetic and at other times goes into depression.
- Depression: – Depression is a mental health disorder feel sad and hopeless. This often happens due to the loss of a job or the death of someone close, for this reason some symptoms of depression (a) Disappointment, (b) Stress, (c) Feeling of guilt, (d) Lack of self-Steam, difficulty in taking decisions, (f) Talk less.
- Eating disorder: – eating disorders are a serious problem in which a person eats too much and it affects his mental and physical health.
- Postpartum depression: – Postpartum depression is a psychological disorder that can affect both Men and Women after childbirth.
- After delivery, there is a decline in hormones in women body due to which they feel very low.
- Depression also accurses due to lack of energy in body, lack of appetite and change in eating and sleeping pattern.
- Sadness, Low self-esteem, guilt and felling of worthlessness.
- Dissociation and dissociative disorder: – Dissociation is mental health problem that causes us to disconnect from our thoughts, feeling, memories and sense of identity.
Dissociative is a mental health condition that involves the loss of connection between our thoughts, memories, emotions, behavior and identity.
There are many factors that affect our mental health including.
1)biological factor: – because of genetics and brain chemistry
2) life experiences: – any trauma or abuse in past life or in childhood such things leave bad effects in our lives.
3) family history: – if someone in the family has mental problems the chances are higher.
4) community factor: – there are many thigs in society that affect our Mental health such as environment and social connections. Social problems like violence, discrimination poverty and natural disasters.
5) hormonal changes: – mental health problems may increase due to hormonal changes.
>>here are some self-care tips to help maintain good mental health
- Regular exercise: – Doing exercise, yoga and meditation daily relives stress, keeps the mind calm and makes us feels good
- Healthy regular meals and stay hydrated: – It’s improved our mental health and a hormone called dopamine released, it’s a relaxing hormone which makes us feel good and maintains our physical health.
- Good sleep: – Getting enough sleep improve our mood, reduce stress and increase our working capacity.
- Try relaxing activity: – Try some activities like mindfulness, breathing exercise, meditation, physical activity and practice your hobbies that make you happy.
- Focus on positivity: – Positive thinking is very important in our life, it gives us energy to focus on work and we are able to solve the problems of life better and can see positive side.
- Stay connected: – It is very important to connect with people for good health, it reduces stress and depression and we are able to express our emotions better.
Note: – This is for knowledge purpose only, if all this does not gives you any relief the definitely consult a Doctor. Mental health is a serious problem, do not take it lightly, definitely see a specialist.