It is difficult for everyone to differentiate between yoga and meditation, that is why most people consider meditation and yoga to be the same. But it is also true that both of them benefit our body mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. But there is a difference between yoga and meditation. Let us try to understand it better.
What is Yoga?

Yoga is known by different names like Yoga, Pranayam etc. Pranayam is a branch of yoga which is done while sitting. Yoga practice is a process in which the body, mind and our soul become one and we concentrate. The word yoga has been in use since ancient times. In ancient times, sages used to practice yoga but in today’s time, yoga is practiced in other countries along with India. International Yoga Day is also celebrated every year to promote yoga so that people can become aware about their health. Many events are organized for this. In today’s time, everyone is accepting its benefits and including it in their life.
Benefits of Yoga
There are many benefits of doing yoga. By going to gym and exercising, only our external body becomes healthy but by doing yoga, along with the body, our mind and intellect also become healthy.
Peace of mind: By doing yoga, both our physical and mental health remains better. If this is done in the morning, we get fresh air and a peaceful environment, due to which we can do yoga well and our mind gets peace, due to which our whole day goes positive and productive.
stress free life: If we look at today’s time, every person is under stress, some have stress of work, some have stress of family, relationship etc. In such a situation, if we take out a few minutes of our day for yoga and to pay attention to our health, then we can reduce this stress.
Body fatigue: If we do yoga daily, our body always remains fresh. The body gets relief due to stretching and pulling of the muscles of the body.
disease free body: By doing yoga daily, both our body and mind remain healthy. There are many yoga exercises which protect us from diseases. We get the power to fight diseases like heart disease, stress, thyroid and PCOD etc.
weight control: In today’s time, more than half of the population is living a stressful and busy lifestyle. Due to which people are facing many problems, one of which is obesity. Most people are troubled by obesity. If we include yoga in our lifestyle, then we can reduce the problem. Doing yoga daily gives energy to our body, strengthens the muscles and makes the body flexible.
There are about 84 asanas of yoga, some of the names of these are: Tadasana, Trikonasana, Ardha Chakrasana, Bhujangasana, and Padmasana etc.
What is Meditation?

Meditation is a very old process which has been practiced by people, sages, etc. since ancient times. In meditation practice, the mind is concentrated and focused by combining physical and mental techniques and the mind is cleansed.
For centuries, people and sages have achieved many accomplishments by meditating. Meditation helps us to recognize our inner soul and connects us with it. If we meditate daily, we can awaken our inner soul. In today’s time, meditation is practiced to relieve the stress of work and life. It is a simple process that helps in calming the troubles of life and the turmoil of our mind. What are the benefits of meditation? Let’s know about them.
Benefits of Meditation
By meditating daily, many subtle changes come in our body and mind as well as in our life. Sometimes we feel the changes immediately and some changes are seen after some time or gradually.
By meditating daily, the first benefit we get in our body is peace of mind, clear thinking and good understanding.
We get the strength to do our daily tasks and we can concentrate on them properly. The mind remains focused while working and the working capacity also increases
If we remain calm, our relationships with our close ones improve and family relationships start getting better. With a calm mind, we can exchange thoughts with each other.
If a person is going through stress or mental illness and if he meditates daily, his stress can be relieved and he feels better. Nowadays, a lot of therapies are also used to deal with such problems in which treatment is done through meditation and different types of activities.
The most basic form of meditation is to unite the soul with the divine. People meditate to control their mind.
There are many types of meditation like focus breathing, mantra, nature inspired meditations etc.
To achieve the points, we have just discussed, we have to try continuously. If we meditate and do yoga daily, only then will we get the result and we can live a good and healthy life. By doing yoga and meditation daily, we can solve our daily problems well and do our work. Nowadays every second person is going through stress. In such a situation, we need to choose a healthy lifestyle and talk to our loved ones so that we can relieve our stress. Yoga and meditation can help us in this.
The connection between yoga and meditation
If we do yoga and meditation together, we can get many benefits, although both are very different from each other, as in yoga we do physical exercise and our body muscles are exercised, on the contrary in meditation we have to sit in one place and concentrate and focus on something, outside sound, or our breathing, doing this increases our concentration. By doing yoga our body gets tired and there is vibration in the whole body and by doing meditation the body gets relaxed, so if we do meditation along with yoga, we can get better results.