Sleep hygiene Keeping a consistent schedule and reducing the use of blue light before sleeping are the habits which is necessary before sleeping.
What is Sleep Hygiene ?

The activities done during the day have a great influence on sleeping habits. Food and drink choices, schedule, and evening routine can be included for maintaining sleep hygiene. If the sleep is in-proper, several steps can be taken during the day and as well as going to bed for improving the sleep cycle.
There are some points of Sleep Hygine
1.Keep a consistenty sleep schedule
Even during weekends there should be a sharp time for going to bed and waking up from sleep which strengthens body’s sleep cycle and may make an easy way to fall asleep and wake up everyday. Following a regular routine reduces the problem of insomnia. One should sleep for about 7-8 hours at night.
2.Create a relaxing bedtime and stick with it
A relaxing bedtime routine can help in sleeping when the person is ready to sleep. The routine needs to be kept constant and recognised before starting the routine. This can help to fall asleep quickly. The best time for starting the routine should be 30-60 minutes. A warm bath or shower can be taken which drops the body temperature and cools down and can the person to fall asleep as early as possible.
3.Turn off electronic appliances before sleeping
Blue light comes from electric appliances which are the ultraviolet rays can reduce melatonin levels in the body. Keeping the phone near bed can interrupt the sleep cycle. Message notifications, phone call and game notifications can happen during midnight and can affect the sleep cycle.
4.Exercise regularly

A 30 minutes of exercise everyday can improve the sleep cycle and overall health. It can be outdoor as well as indoor. Doing exercise can increase the level of energy and body temperature which makes it difficult to fall asleep. Yoga can be done for increasing the sleep hygiene.
5.Do not consume too much caffeine
The effect of caffeine lasts for 3-8 hours. The afternoon cup of coffee may keep the person awake and alert for long duration. Some people fall asleep during the afternoon, while others have to give up this habit in order to sleep comfortably at night.
6.Using bed for sleeping and doing sex
When there is a comfortable bed there might be temptation of person to read , work , talk on the phone or other activities. Bed needs to be used for sleeping and doing sex which strengthen’s brain association between bed and sleep by making it easier to fall asleep. Reading can be a way to relax before sleeping but even books can be distractive for sleep if books keep the brain alert. Instead a person can read a book in sofa before going to bed.
7.Go to bed when only there is feeling of Tiredness
If not tired avoid lying in bed during toss turn situations. A relaxation activity can be done until there is feeling of tiredness and then only a person can go to bed. Even if the person don’t fall asleep within 20 minutes he or she may get up from the bed. Not being able to fall asleep can make the person feel frustrated or stressed which can go for long durations. After the person comes out of the bed he or she can read on the couch or can do any physical activity.
8.Limit taking naps or avoid it as much as possible
Taking naps after the lunch can make the person fall asleep late at night or can make the person awake. If the naps are taken it should be less than 20 minutes. The sleeping patterns of older adults are mostly affected during taking naps than younger people .
9.Limit large meals during pre bedtime
Eating a heavy meal during pre bedtime can negatively affect the sleep quality. The symptoms of acid flux can cause ingestion and can cause dizziness, vomiting and nausea which can affect the sleeping pattern. Alcohols and tobacco needs to be avoided before going to bed.
10.Manage Light Exposure
Spending time in natural light helps in managing circular pattern. There should be enough sunlight exposure in the morning . Light exposure should be limited post sunset. Extra lights should be turned off post bedtime. A dim light can be used after going to bed.
Behaviours during the day and during night can affect the sleeping quality. Several strategies can be made for having a hard time and the ability to fall asleep. A schedule needs to be stuck , there should be a sharp bedtime routine, regular exercise, dark bedroom, etc where the quality of the sleep can be improved. A person suffering from insomnia must visit a doctor who can determine the underlying conditions caused by sleep problems and can provide the treatment when needed.
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