The winter season has arrived. Now cold winds have started blowing in the morning and evening, due to which people are not able to pay attention to their fitness because we do not feel like going out in the cold, we become so lazy. Someone just gives us everything to eat in bed. But this is not right.
And our elders tell us that whatever you eat in winter, everything gets digested. Due to this reason, we start using more ghee, butter, cream, due to which we become fat. But you do not need to worry about it, we have brought some such tips for you, by which you can stay fit even in winter. So let’s know …
Some Tips To Stay Fit In Winter
1. Wear Warm Clothes In Winter
Winter is no one’s friend, to avoid it you should wear warm clothes. If you are going out for any work, you should wear clothes made of wool, nowadays a lot of clothes are coming in the market which keep your body warm.
Warm clothes are also important because due to cold our muscles start shrinking due to which they hurt later. Therefore, wear warm clothes to keep them fit. If you are going out for a run, then wear light warm clothes because running automatically brings heat in your body.
2. Drink Warm Water In Winter
Drinking water in winter is very important, that too warm water. Our skin gets damaged in winter, that is, your skin becomes dry. To keep it right, you should drink at least 7-8 glasses of water throughout the day. You can also do one more thing, that is, drink soap once a day. This keeps the body healthy. There are many such things in the market which keep your body strong and your immunity system healthy.
If someone has stomach problems in winter, give him water with honey and lemon. Honey and lemon improve your digestive system. Drinking more water keeps the skin healthy.
3. Fulfil The Need Of Vitamin D
There is a lack of sunlight in winters due to which our body does not get the necessary elements. Due to which our bones start getting weak, due to which we start having body pain. For this, you should take sunlight in the morning so that you can get Vitamin D, which is very important for our body.
Along with that, you should eat all the things made of milk, further if you eat non-veg then it is even better. Because it is said that fish, eggs contain a lot of Vitamin D. It fulfills every deficiency of your body.
4. Take light And Nutritious Food In Winters
Consumption of food increases in winters. Due to which we start eating whatever we get, due to which we become victims of obesity. For this, you should eat home-cooked food, because the taste that is in home-cooked food is not found anywhere else, whatever vegetable or food is brought in the house, we bring it after seeing it, in the food outside, we do not know anything about what he is adding in it. For this, you should eat homemade food as much as possible.
There are some fruits in winter which are enjoyed only in winter like oranges, berries and such fruits which fulfill the deficiency of our body. Now carrot, beetroot, amla juice is also available in winter which is rich in vitamins. Do add this to your diet.
5. Exercise In Winter

You don’t feel like going out in winter but you should exercise to keep your body healthy. You can do this at home also in which you can do Suryanamaskar, Alom-Vilom and that too at the time of rising sun. By doing this, your body will feel relaxed and you will also keep getting Vitamin D from the sun. Do this at least 15-20 times.
6. Do Yoga To Make Your Body Flexible
You don’t feel like doing anything in winter, due to which we feel very cold. If you get hurt in winter, it causes a lot of pain later. To avoid this, you should do yoga daily. This makes our body flexible and also increases blood circulation. For this, you should do Bhadrasana, Halasana, Chakrasana etc. This keeps our body healthy and our mind feels relaxed.
7. Healthy BreakFast
We feel more hungry in winters due to which our weight increases. For this you should have a healthy breakfast in the morning. For this you should eat vegetable salad, juice etc. which is very important for our body. After this you can eat oats, dry fruits which gives you vitamins and calcium.
8. Take Care Of Mental Health In Winters
Due to extreme cold in winters, many problems start occurring which also affects our mind. Due to this we get angry and shout at anyone, for this it is important for you to pay attention to your mental health. For this you should do Pranayam, Anom-Vilom. This makes you feel relaxed. Along with this you should go on a tour with your friends which will relieve your tension.
9. Get Full Sleep
In winters you do not know the time due to which you are not able to get full sleep. Due to which your body remains tired. For which it is very important for you to get complete sleep so that your body feels good. By getting complete sleep, your mind will be able to concentrate on anything properly.
10. Keep Yourself Busy In Winter
Everyone likes to stay at home in winter, due to which we become lazy. Which is not good for our body. For this you have to keep yourself busy in some work. Like – if you like to play a lot then play outside with your friends, so that your body will be fine. This will reduce the feeling of cold.
When we hear the name of winter, we just remember muffli, carrots, mustard greens and many other things which are enjoyed only in winter. But along with this, we also have to keep our body fit, which we never do. Due to which we become a victim of obesity. But never mind, we have told you some easy points, by following which you can stay fit even in winter.
But you must keep one thing in mind, if you have any disease, then talk to your doctor before doing this thing, otherwise you are going to do something good and later you have trouble. For this, talk to the doctor first. By doing all these things, we can also keep our body fit and more than half of our diseases are cured by these things.
And yes, do tell us by commenting how you liked this blog.
1. What type of clothes should we wear to stay fit in winter?
Winter is no one’s friend, to avoid it you should wear warm clothes. If you are going out for any work, you should wear clothes made of wool, nowadays a lot of clothes are coming in the market which keep your body warm. Warm clothes are also important because due to cold our muscles start shrinking due to which they hurt later.
2. What happens if you drink water in winter?
To keep it right, you should drink at least 7-8 glasses of water throughout the day. You can also do one more thing, that is, drink soap once a day. This keeps the body healthy. There are many things such in the market which keep your body strong and your immunity system healthy.
3. How to overcome Vitamin D deficiency in winter?
you should take sunlight in the morning so that you can get Vitamin D, which is very important for our body. Along with that, you should eat all the things made of milk, further if you eat non-veg then it is even better. Because it is said that fish, eggs contain a lot of Vitamin D.
4. What are the right foods to take in winter?
you should eat home-cooked food, because the taste that is in home-cooked food is not found anywhere else, whatever vegetable or food is brought in the house, we bring it after seeing it, in the food outside, we do not know anything about what he is adding in it. For this, you should eat homemade food as much as possible.
5. What to do for mental health in winter?
you should do Pranayam, Anom-Vilom. This makes you feel relaxed. Along with this you should go on a tour with your friends which will relieve your tension.