Gender equality and women’s rights are very important to take the society forward. Unless women are given any rights and exit, the country can never progress. Considering everyone equal and women’s rights is not only important for women but it is also important for the society. By doing this we can create a society where everyone gets equal rights, whoever wants to say or do something can do everything.
In this we are going to talk about gender equality and women’s rights, what challenges women have to face and how we can help them get their freedom. So let’s know …
What is the meaning of considering everyone equal?

Being equal means that women, men and other people should get equal rights in the country. It does not only mean that women should move forward but also that everyone in the society should be given equal rights and opportunities and no wrong should be done to anyone.
There are many places where discrimination against women takes place. For example, if a woman works in a big company, then pressure is created on her and she is insulted in front of the company’s employees. This is not just in any company but in wages, there are many cases where women face domestic violence and this happens the most in politics where women are not considered anything and any leader says anything about women in front of the media. If a woman is given a chance, then she can take this country far ahead with her capabilities.
Gender equality is not only a woman’s right but it is also a social issue. With the help of this, everyone has to be treated equally. When everyone does not discriminate between each other and considers each other as their own, only then everyone can reach their voice to others.
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What are women’s rights?

Women’s rights are those which give women a chance to take decisions of their life themselves. Its purpose is to make them strong with their economic, social and physical strength. Women’s rights are not only for women but also for the society.
Women’s rights do not mean giving rights to women, but giving them a chance to make their own identity. When a woman stands on her own feet, she can take her own decisions happily, this also increases her confidence and along with it there is a hope in them to do something which is good for the country and also necessary.
Some important things for women’s rights
1 Financial support: Give women the freedom to work, if a woman starts her own work then she should be supported, and if a woman is working somewhere then she should get paid like everyone else.
2 Change in physical and mental state: Women should control their body and should have a lot of confidence, this makes them mentally and physically strong.
3 Political rights: Women should be given the same rights in politics as everyone else, so that they can also participate in the progress of the country.
4 Tell about education: Tell women about their rights through education, so that they can know about themselves and can use those rights properly.
Giving equal rights to everyone in India
There have been many changes in India to give equal rights to everyone and women’s rights, but even today there are people with old thinking who follow old traditions, due to which most of the women’s rights are taken away. But the government has taken many decisions on this:
1. Telling women about their rights:
This ministry makes new plans for women’s education, health and security.
2. Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao:
This is for those people who kill the girl child before she is born. For this, the government made a plan so that the girl child can be saved and educated and they can also get a chance to live. So that they can move forward.
3. Self Help Group:
This makes women financially strong. So that women can work anywhere and get money accordingly.
Even after all these plans, cases of rape, domestic violence against women keep happening, and at some places women are molested. Changing the thinking of people is no less than a war.
What challenges do women have to face?
There are many challenges in taking women forward, which are not good for them. Some of the challenges that come in this are:
1. Social and cultural thinking
Social and cultural thinking is everywhere, it is very much in our India, where it is believed that women stay behind men and it is said that men are stronger than women. Only a boy can tarnish his parents’ image and perform their shradh. Which everyone must have heard from everyone today. Women are already considered weak and emotional. Because of which they have to take permission from the family members to go out of the house. To change this thinking, women need education. So that they can get out of this thinking.
2. Education and telling people about women
You must have seen that in many places women are kept away from education, like in villages women are kept away from education. So that they do not go ahead of men. But this is wrong, but some women there don’t care about their rights, they just want to stay behind men.
3. Atrocities on women
Till now you must have heard that atrocities keep happening on women somewhere or the other, in which some cases are of domestic violence or rape. If a woman is working in a company, she is forced to give her a position. Due to which the woman gets very scared, but to solve this, the woman will have to make herself strong and not rely on anyone. And will have to take the help of law.
4. Decrease in financial condition
Many women do not get freedom, even if they work outside, they are told that you are a girl, you have to work at home as well as outside. What happens due to this is that the woman is not able to focus much on her career. Due to which she has to give up her dreams. Due to which the woman’s financial condition deteriorates.
How can we promote women’s rights?
Now we should think about how we can tell people about gender equality and women empowerment. For this, some steps will have to be taken and they are:
1. Promoting education
Women need a lot of knowledge which is also their right. That too in places where there is lack of knowledge like in villages, a school or camp should be set up so that women know about their rights. Instead of this, women should be told about the schemes run by the government and encouraged to participate in them.
2. Health and protection
Many villages do not have medical facilities which are very less. Due to this, women do not know much about the disease. For this, good doctors should be sent there for the campaign or a big hospital should be built there. So that they can know about their disease and can be treated properly. For this, everyone will have to take steps with the government.
3. How to change people’s thinking
Many people have a very wrong thinking about women, which is wrong and it is very important to change it. Their thinking should be changed by telling them about women’s rights in news channels and newspapers. If people do not change their thinking, no matter how much the government does, it will not be of any use.
4. Considering everyone equal in work
In many companies, women are kept down so that they can never progress. Instead, men and women should be considered equal. Women should have the same respect as men.
Giving equal rights to everyone is very important for the country. Because until women do not get their rights and respect, it is difficult to progress. For this, everyone should support the government, so that the thinking of everyone can be changed, so that the cases against women can be reduced. Women should be considered equal like men.
This is not a joke, this is a very important matter, this should be discussed and women should be given their rights. So that in future women do not feel weak but can become self-reliant.
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