The 7 Wonders of the Ancient World are a combination of man-made and natural structures that are enough to surprise everyone. Many different lists of wonders of the world have been prepared from ancient times to the present and many of these wonders are such that even modern science cannot understand them.
From time to time, natural and man-made structures of the world have been added to the world heritage. The 7 Wonders of Ancient Era is the first list of man-made creations that came into existence. All the structures are among the creations located around the Mediterranean Sea. These wonders are in the number of 7 because it was discovered by the Greeks and described by many people. Similarly, many other lists were also made which were for the Middle Ages and the Modern Age.
These are the 7 wonders of the ancient era
The Great Pyramids of Giza:

The pyramids of Egypt are known as memorial sites built for the emperors. The bodies of kings were buried in these pyramids, which are also known as mummies. Inside these pyramids, along with the bodies of kings, food items, weapons, drinks, clothes, ornaments, jewellery, musical instruments and even servants were buried with them. It was believed that this was done in case the king was short of anything.
Like India, Egypt is also an ancient civilization. There are about 138 pyramids here. Despite the presence of 3 pyramids in Giza, a suburb of Cairo, only the Great Pyramid of Giza has found a place among the wonders of the world. Among the 7 wonders, this is the only monument that even time could not destroy.
The height of this pyramid is 450 feet. It was the tallest monument for 43 centuries. Its top broke in the 19th century. Spread over 13 acres, this pyramid is as big as about 16 football fields. This pyramid has been built in such a way that no one can build it even with modern technology. Evidence shows that it was built by the fourth dynasty of Khufu, the ruler of Egypt, as his tomb in 2560 BC.
Hanging Gardens of Babylon:

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, built by Hellenic culture, and described as a remarkable feat of engineering with a series of gardens with a variety of trees, shrubs and vines. It resembles a large green mountain made of mud bricks, located near the present-day Iraqi town of Al-Hillah. The garden was built by Nebuchadnezzar II about 600 BCE. The garden was destroyed by an earthquake in the 2nd century BCE.
Its name is based on Greek word kremastos, which is the English word for “hanging”. It refers to trees being planted on a raised structure like a roof.
Statue of Zeus at Olympia:

The statue of Zeus of Olympia was included in the 7 wonders of the ancient world. This statue was built by the Greek sculptor Phidias 432 years before Christ. This statue of Zeus was installed in the temple of Zeus which was located in Olympia, Greece. The height of this statue was 12 meters which was in a sitting position.
Temple of Artemis:

The Temple of Artemis is of the seven wonders of the ancient world. This temple is known as the Temple of Diana; this temple is situated in present day Türkiye.
Tomb of Mausolus:

The Tomb of Mausolus located in Türkiye is one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.
Colossus of Rhodes:

One of the seven wonders of the ancient world is the Colossus of Rhodes. It is a giant statue of the Greek god Helios on the Greek island of Rhodes. This statue was built between 292 and 280 BC. The height of this statue was 30 meters, which was the tallest statue.
Lighthouse of Alexandria:

The Lighthouse of Alexandria is one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. This lighthouse was built as a symbol on the Egyptian island of Pharos in the 3rd century BC. It is believed that its height must have been between 115 meters to 135 meters.